Hearing Loss Exhaustion: What You Should Know

Have you been feeling exhausted lately? Of course, there are a lot of reasons for feeling tired, but one of those many reasons is related to hearing loss. Hearing loss exhaustion is a common problem, and the exhaustion that sometimes comes with it is also a common issue.

Fatigue can be described as extreme tiredness that results from large amounts or extended periods of mental or physical exertion. When hearing loss occurs, it can also lead to mental fatigue due to the strain and effort it takes to listen over an extended period of time. This is an often overlooked side effect of hearing loss.

Your Quick Guide to Understanding Hearing Loss Exhaustion

  1. The Link Between Hearing Loss & Exhaustion 

It’s important to recognize that many hearing loss sufferers go it alone in silence for an extended period of time before they make an appointment with their doctors. During this time period, the struggle and intense concentration it takes to try to listen and get by with inadequate hearing levels can create hearing loss exhaustion. Many hearing loss sufferers do not make this connection and wonder why they get a good night’s sleep but still feel lethargic, unmotivated and physically tired.

  1. How Hearing Loss Exhaustion Happens

Research shows that hearing loss exhaustion occurs because of the extra mental effort that is needed for those with hearing loss to get through their days. Simple things like conversation at work or processing the sounds of the street cause the hearing loss sufferer to expend an extreme amount of energy. With this expenditure, the body depletes its energy reserves and becomes exhausted for what may seem like no reason. 

  1. Hearing Loss Exhaustion & Children

A recent study demonstrated that this condition is prevalent among children with hearing loss as well as adults. Children attending school with hearing loss are exerting a much higher level of focus and concentration to do their work than the students with healthy hearing levels.

  1. Side Effects of Hearing Loss Exhaustion

Hearing loss exhaustion, if left unchecked, can bring about a range of other problems, such as depression, stress and anxiety. It’s important to address the holistic nature of hearing loss sufferers’ health to prevent them from having to deal with these types of serious side effects of exhaustion. 

Come Hear the Difference & Schedule an Appointment Today!

Madison & Saratoga Hearing Centers have been serving the capitol and upstate New York area for over three decades. Schedule an appointment at Madison & Saratoga, where you can expect to be treated as if you are like family. We take the time to listen and truly understand your concerns and needs. We’re looking forward to meeting you.

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The purpose of this hearing assessment and/or demonstration is for hearing wellness and to determine if the consumer may benefit from using hearing aids, which may include selling and fitting hearing aids. Products demonstrated may differ from products sold. Assessment conclusion is not a medical diagnosis and further testing may be required to diagnose hearing loss. The use of any hearing aid may not fully restore normal hearing and does not prevent future hearing loss. Hearing instruments may not meet the needs of all hearing-impaired individuals.