Common Complaints That Might Reveal You Have Hearing Loss

According to numbers from the Mayo Clinic, somewhere in the range of 50% of Americans over the age of 65 have some degree of hearing loss. Hearing loss often occurs gradually due to age, chronic exposure to loud noises and even excessive wax. As the hearing gradually deteriorates, it may take time to realize that the health issue at hand is hearing loss. This guide will help hearing loss sufferers understand more quickly what is going on with their hearing to lessen frustration and also help control hearing loss as best as possible.

Guide to Understanding Hearing Loss

  1. Signs of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can come upon us gradually, and we can tend to not notice or ignore the signs, such as:

  • Having trouble understanding what people are saying when speaking on the phone
  • Finding it difficult to track conversations when two or more people are talking
  • Noticing that you have to ask people to repeat what they are saying frequently
  • Fielding complaints from loved ones about how loud the volume of the radio or TV is
  • Finding it hard to hear when there is background noise (like at crowded restaurants or stores)
  • Feeling like others are mumbling
  • Difficulty understanding high-pitched voices (like children)
  1. Types of Hearing Loss

Understanding the types of hearing loss can be an effective way of helping to understand the symptoms you are experiencing. There are four types of hearing loss:

  • Conductive Hearing Loss – Conductive hearing loss caused by a blockage of some sort that stops sounds from getting through the outer or middle ear, and can typically be treated with medicine or surgery.
  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss – Sensorineural hearing loss is the type of hearing loss that occurs when there is a problem in the workings of the inner ear or hearing nerve.
  • Mixed Hearing Loss – Mixed hearing loss, as its name implies, is a combination of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.
  • Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder – Auditory Neuropathy System Disorder occurs when sound enters the ear normally, but because of damage to the inner ear or the hearing nerve, it can’t be organized in a way that the brain can interpret.
  1. What to do if you are Experiencing Hearing Loss

If you are experiencing some of the symptoms of hearing loss, the best next step you can make is to see a professional as soon as possible. For many reasons, treating hearing loss can improve your quality of life but can also have implications for your overall health. In fact, studies have shown that older adults with hearing loss have a greater risk of developing dementia than older adults with normal hearing. However by adding a hearing aid, studies indicate a reduced risk of long-term cognitive decline compared to people with uncorrected hearing loss.

Come Hear the Difference & Schedule an Appointment Today!

Madison & Saratoga Hearing Centers have been serving the capitol and upstate New York area for over three decades. Schedule an appointment at Madison & Saratoga,  where you can expect to be treated as if you are like family. We take the time to listen and truly understand your concerns and needs. We’re looking forward to meeting you.

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The purpose of this hearing assessment and/or demonstration is for hearing wellness and to determine if the consumer may benefit from using hearing aids, which may include selling and fitting hearing aids. Products demonstrated may differ from products sold. Assessment conclusion is not a medical diagnosis and further testing may be required to diagnose hearing loss. The use of any hearing aid may not fully restore normal hearing and does not prevent future hearing loss. Hearing instruments may not meet the needs of all hearing-impaired individuals.